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Job Description:

Background :

The basic objective of this Security Assessment is to improve the disaster risk management capacities and strategies of PP AF management and staff through sustainable preparedness, mitigation measures, and increased institutional capacity.
Urban communities are comparatively more vulnerable in case of natural disasters as our construction practices are not up to the required standards; therefore, a well prepared and vigilant human capital is of utmost importance. Relevant knowledge, training and regular drills play a pivotal role in avoiding panic at the time of emergencies and ultimately reduce the damage.

Scope of Work:

The scope of the Risk Assessment will follow broadly the below framework, for which we have a checklist comprising of more than 130-line items.

External Threats:

Will look at the locality, surrounding premises, road, and access conditions. Any factors that may cause a risk or threat to PP AF will be identified. This part of the assessment will also include reputation, social media presence and anything that may make someone hold a grievance against PP AF.
In this part of the assessment building infrastructure, construction, material, etc. This will be inspected include Parking and external Guards.


A good Security function is deployed in layers. Perimeter protection, intruder prevention, Security Guards function, including their competence, training, and overall procedures will be analyzed. Boundary wall, CCTV surveillance, access control and visitor management will also be observed.
Identify any gaps on the side or rear of the building and see if any vulnerable areas are found.

Internal Threats: 

Access to offices, loss prevention, safety and fire prevention will be looked at. Staff training, Safety and Security training programs, awareness sessions, theft prevention and incident management will be looked into. Interviews with staff will be carried out.
Internal risk assessments also cover the working of the Organization; PP AF works with multiple partners so also need to seek if any of them may carry some extra risk and/or any factor that may make PPAF more vulnerable.

Policies & Procedures :
Look at the policies and procedures that are practiced in PPAF premises. A good organization spreads a culture of Safety, Security, and responsible operations through the ownership of ALL staff. This is reinforced by effective policies, procedures, trainings, and awareness programs, if need be.

People and Assets :
Organization structure in Safety and Security will be looked into. Staff competence, training, expectations, asset protection, inventory management will also be seen.

Health & Safety: 
Due to COVID-19, HSE has gained immense importance. Safety structure, awareness, staff capabilities apart from precautions taken to prevent and handle pandemic outbreaks, natural disasters to include Flooding, Electrical Risk Mitigation and


• Conduct a comprehensive Security Risk Assessment as per PPAF need.
• Assessment Report
• Power point presentations for all topics in English.
• Share the assessment survey with the Security department.
• Put up a draft of SOP for PPAF Security Manual.

Clients {PP AF's) Responsibility: 
PPAF shall provide the following assistance/ information to the consultant.

• Provide all necessary input and documents to the consultant helping him in surveying the building.
• A point of contact (POC) to help the Consultant go around the building.


Experince Required:

• Consultant must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in conducting such assessments for national and international organizations.
• The Consultant must be proficient in delivering the assessment and have relevant experience of minimum 5 years.


The assessment survey will be done not exceeding seven days, then the final report shall be submitted within 72-96 hours after that. 
