Master’s degree in Pharmacy is required. Master’s degree in Procurement or Supply Chain Management or Business Administration, with solid experience in health products procurement (5 years or more) for HIV/TB/Mal programmes can be considered in lieu of a pharmacy degree. Previous experience with Global Fund supported programmes is an asset. Minimum of ten (10) years progressive working experience in procurement of which at least (5) shall be in a health sector, within a national programme or ministry of health or a large non-profit Organization. At least five (05) years working experience of managing a procurement team with at least two (02) Procurement Officers or procurement associate. Excellent knowledge of laws affecting procurements, contracts, Incoterms, supplier management, and different procurement methods and sourcing techniques. Excellent experience and knowledge of PPRA Rules; knowledge of Global Fund’s procurement principles, QA policies or procurement manual of other international organizations (specially United Nations Procurement Rules) is an asset. Experience working in a complex and multidimensional organization public organization is an advantage. Maximum age:50 Years