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Web-based complaint and feedback management system

Request for Proposal


In Pakistan Since 2007, The Organization have been a key player in humanitarian and development WASH programs including Climate Change Adaptation across multiple geographic locations striving to build local capacities of local civil society organizations. As an International humanitarian and development organization working for global justice and poverty reduction. Its work to help the poorest and those in need, regardless of their creed, race, political or religious affiliation and to provides emergency assistance in disasters, work for long-term development in/with local communities and address the root causes of poverty, it advocates for just decisions by public authorities, business and religious leaders.


The Organization is certified in  Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) and  strongly believes in transparency in every aspect of its interventions. With an aim to strengthen CHS’ commitment # 5, which is focussing on complaint handling and redressal, it aims to adopt a customized web-based complaint management system to keep timely track of stakeholders’ feedback / complaints.  In order to ensure praticability of the system, its aims to develop the system in close consultation with our implementing partners across Pakistan. Furthermore it will help the organization to provide effective support to the right holders based on their feedback, complaints. All responses will be compiled and will be accessible to its program team and management.

Objective of the assignment

  • ·       Establishment of web based complaints management system/ portal that can be accessed remotely by the Oganization and implementing partner staff with different user access rights.


1.       Complaint Lodging:

Compalint will be lodged in the system by beneficiaries using their cell phones, i.e. by sending an SMS to a designated phone number or by other means including email, drop box, personal visits (which will be recorded by the implementing partner’s staff in the system). The system will have a developed questionnaire which will be filled accordingly by the relevent staff. The questionnaire will include details such as:

1.       Complainant information

2.       Area i.e. village, unoin council, tehsil, district etc

3.       Detailed discription of complaint

4.       Category of complaints i.e. sensitive or non-sensitive


2.       Receipt of complaint registration:

Upon receiving the complaint, The System will send SMS Notification to the complainants on their cell phones as receipt and to keep them updated about the current status of their complaints including stepwise progress in future. Similarly, SMS will be sent to relevant staff of NCA and implementing partner mentioning about the complaint registration from a specific area. 

3.       Response:

After registration; the complaints handling process will start according to the organization’s policy, the organization will give its response to complainant and this response will be updated in the  system accordingly by partner which will be communicated to the complainant via SMS.

4.       Notifications:

Notification will be sent at following intervals:

  • When the complaint/ feedback is registered by the stakeholder
  • When organization starts investigation the complaint
  • When the complaint has been resolved
  • When the complaint is cancelled for any reason
  • When the complaint has been re-opened (if closed earlier)
  • When the complaint has been put on hold for some reasons
  • When the complaint is taken back by the complainant
  • When the complaint has been referred/transferred to other organization
  • When an appeal is lodged against the response

5.       SMS reminders to organization management/staff:

  • ·       SMS notifications to complainants or person providing feedback.
  • ·       Weekly reminder until complaint is resolved
  • ·       When no progress has been made for complaint resolution for consecutive 7 days
  • ·       When no notes has been added to the complaint record for consecutive 5 days
  • ·       When no feedback has been provided to the complainant for consecutive 7 days


6.       Appeal:

If beneficiary/ staff or any stake holder upon receiving the feedback is not satisfied, s/he can lodge an appeal against the response which will be duly recorded and followed up in the system.

7.       Feedback/ Suggestions:

Feedback, suggestions and comments from any stakeholder related to project modalities or about the status of project or about project team will also be recorded and be part of reports which can be accessed by The organization.

8.       Dashboard:

The system should have an interactive dashboard with a range of options and shortcuts to different details including:

  • ·       Number of complaints received / resolved / un-resolved
  • ·       Project-wise complaints record
  • ·       Geographic distribution of received complaints (Mapping)
  • ·       Nature / sensitivity wise complaints record
  • ·       Channels through which complaints were registered.


9.       Reporting:

The system should be able to generate variety of reports, graphs & charts which can be accessible to the Organization’s staff on monthly and quarterly basis. This includes:

  • ·       Individual Complaints Report.
  • ·       Project-wise Complaints Report.
  • ·       District-wise Complaints Report.
  • ·       Gender-wise Complaints Report.
  • ·       Complaints category wise Report.
  • ·       Program and department related complaints i.e. (GBV, DRR, WASH, Protection, HR related etc)


10.   User Accounts:

The system should be able to accommodate multiple users with different access i.e. The organization’s  management (full access),program staff (access to partner’s information) and Implementing partner (limited access of data punching and access to their own data only)

11.   Web Accessibility

The system should be completely web based and be accessible (through World Wide Web and Smart phone application) from anywhere in world subject to internet availability.

Principles of Work

  • ·       The organization will remain owner of the system and partial access will be given to implementing partners in order to be updated and also to record the response against each complaint.
  • ·       Details of the complainant will be strictly confidential and will not be shared with project staff before the response or decision process.
  • ·       The organization holds the right to request for alterations to the system when required.



Suggested timeframe


Suggested timeframe (days)

Inception meeting with Organization’s project staff


Development of software including dashboard and other features


Discussion regarding software features and modalities with the organization/ partner staff    


Re-calibration and alterations to the software 


The organization’s and partner’s review and feedback


Testing draft of the product including pretesting with partners


Finalization of product


Total Days for assignment



Payment/ Contract

  • ·       A contract will be signed between the organization and qualifying firm or individual consultant with clauses including amount to be paid, mode of payment, tax deduction etc.
  • ·       At least 3 years of relevant professional experience in software development consisting of complaints handling/ feedback or monitoring interface for humanitarian, semi-govt or Govt. organizations.
  • ·       Demonstrate adequate capacities to organize and complete the assignment within the time frame specified.
  • ·       Desired experience of developing web-based system and smart phone application development.

Qualification, specialized knowledge & experience required

Submission Deadline:  Interested candidates are advised to submitted technical and financial proposals along with back ground profile by COB 24th July 1700hrs. @ [email protected]  . Please mention "Web based CMS" in subject line of your email.


