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About SIF

Founded in 1991, Secours Islamique France (SIF) is an international Non-Governmental solidarity Organization acting in the fields of humanitarian and development aid, in France and worldwide. Working in the field for over 20 years, Secours Islamique France is now active in more than twenty countries, mainly in three sectors: water and sanitation, food security, and childhood. Teams of employees and volunteers working for Secours Islamique France also play an active role in France, fighting against exclusion and insecurity by various means. Alongside its operational aid activities, Secours Islamique France has developed an ability to advocate in order to bear witness and to alert the international community about the living conditions of the most vulnerable. SIF is dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the poorest of the poor in France and around the world, while respecting cultural diversity without making any distinction based on origins, political affiliations, gender or beliefs, and without expecting anything in return. It intervenes where humanitarian and social needs require emergency mobilization of relief efforts as well as the implementation of development Projects and advocacy actions.SIF is present in Pakistan since 2010 and currently working in three districts (Tharparkar in Sindh, Peshawar in KP and Islamabad/Rawalpindi in Punjab).

Project Rationale:

Globally, the number of unaccompanied isolated children is on rise due to several reasons and as a result, the coverage provided by child centers has been accelerated around the world. It is estimated that around the world out of 2.2 billion child population there are 143 to 210 million children that are orphans. Pakistan is ranked 8th among top ten countries with highest numbers of orphans population (IHH, 2014)[1]. Social security and protection are becoming an alarming issue. Street children, orphans, extremely poor families’ children, and disabled are not being paid ample attention by public and private stakeholders. In Pakistan there are numbers of government and private orphanages and child care centers who are struggling to provide care to orphans and other vulnerable, destitute children. These centers having limited resources and mostly rely on external support from individual donors and charitable organizations.

Secours Islamique France (SIF) Mission Pakistan implemented one year Childhood Project in Rawalpindi and Islamabad in four child centers / orphanages managed by government and private institutions in 2019.The overall objective of the project intervention was to contribute in improving the living conditions for children in these centers and to support the child care centers/orphanages to fill the gaps in existing resources or funds utilization at the optimum level. The project interventions included the nutritional food support provisions for children, Psycho-social activities with children, awareness raising sessions with center staff and children related to health and hygiene, child protection sessions, nutritional cooking sessions, exposure visits with children and other several rehabilitation work at child centers etc. 

The project was implemented to achieve the following three specific objectives and the outcomes:

Specific Objectives:

SO1: To support four child centers by maintaining regular access to food diversification for children dietary needs.

SO2: To improve access to hygiene and sanitation facilities for children in the child centers

SO3: To provide basic Psycho-Social Support to children

Intended Results:

Result-1: Monthly distributions of meat and food baskets take place in the child centers.

Result-2: Rehabilitation of WASH facilities was conducted and knowledge of basic hygiene awareness is improved.

Result-3: Children in the targeted child centers benefited from diversified offers of extra-curricular activities.

Project Period: 01 Jan 2019 to 31 Dec, 2019

Project Location: Rawalpindi& Islamabad

Objectives of Evaluation

Secours Islamique France (SIF) intends to conduct the end-evaluation of Childhood Project 2019at Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The overall objective of the project end-evaluation is to asses: to what extent the Project has reached the goal, objectives, and results as stated in the logical framework and narrative proposal(s), what change has had occurred after implementation of project, what were the positive and negative intended and un-intended outcomes produced by project activities. In particular the evaluation will focus on:

  1. Collect, capture and document if and how the expected results have or have not been
  2. Analyze and asses to what extent the Project has achieved the objectives under thematic areas.

Some of the key questions (which are not limited to) for which SIF need answers on; are:


  • Were the selection criteria and process well adapted to target the centers?
  • Are the project’s locations relevant according to the needs (status of children, NGOs/other organizations working in the area, governmental support provided, etc).
  • Did the centers and children receive assistance appropriate to their needs?
  • Did the objectives and activities of the project address priority needs of the target centers and children?
  • Are there gaps in services, in terms of availability and/or quality that still need to be filled?
  • Was the program in line with international guidelines and government policy, in particular on alternative care?
  • Where the interventions age and gender appropriate?
  • To what extent were the interventions culturally and socially appropriate?
  • To what extent where beneficiaries involved in developing the program?


  • Did centers and children have access to the assistance at the right time?
  • Were project activities successfully implemented and contributed to achieving to project results?
  • To what extent changes in the target area accord with the planned outputs, purpose(s) and goal(s) of the Project?
  • What are the key factors that contributed towards achievement of the project goals and what factors hindered it?
  • What exit strategy / should SIF Pakistan propose to the centres?
  • To what extent were the project objectives and results achieved?


  • Were resources managed efficiently and effectively for their intended purpose under project? (In terms of time and money, use of local resources, proper process and compliance monitoring etc).
  • Was the organizational chart efficient in terms of roles of SIF staff in the project? Were human resource sufficiently managed, capable and capacitated staff available to implement the project efficiently? And what limitations and challenges were faced by the Project staff?
  • What are the general strength and weakness of the Project?
  • Did the project use at the maximum the potential synergies with other actors’ activities in the same area? Was the coordination with other stakeholders sufficient?
  • Is the data management system appropriate and used efficiently for decision making?
  • Was the project’s monitoring and evaluation system adequate and in accordance with the data protection guidelines?

Impact (Immediate):

  • To what extent project has achieved the ultimate objectives?
  • What difference has come about for beneficiaries in terms of skills and knowledge, emotional wellbeing and social well-being?
  • How project brought changes to the lives of the targeted children? What are the key evidences and stories of project success and what are the positive and/or negative intended and unintended outcomes of the project?


  • Are there any sustainable and replicable practices which merit to be documented?
  • What are the good practices which need to be replicated by SIF in future?
  • To what extent project has built the centers’ capacities to roll out the same intervention by the centers themselves for the children?


  • Did any responsive mechanism for feedback or complaint exist under project and did stakeholders, including children/families, was given easy access to raise their concerns during project implementation?
  • Were stakeholders satisfied about the response/handling of their complaints?
  • To what extent the feedback or complaints mechanism has been and remained effective?

Lessons Learnt:

  • What are the key lessons which may be adopted to re-design the intervention of similar project with child centers /orphanages and with children deprived of their family?
  • What are the good practices which showed positive results throughout the project and may be replicated and which may be avoided in future similar interventions?
  • What are the best new or alternative strategies which deem fit to improve the situations of the children in the child care centers? 

Scope & Methodology of Evaluation

The scope of the project evaluation will be in targeted four child centers/orphanages at Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The centers’ children and their parents,  management staff, department of social welfare would be the key informants to be consulted to have clear and validated evidences to support the evaluation findings. A mix of both quantitative and qualitative methods is expected for conducting the project end-evaluation. However more weightage may be given to the quantitative methodology of evaluation study during selection process. Interested consultancy firms are required to submit detailed proposal with appropriate methodology, evaluation framework, tools, sampling criteria and detailed work plan.

Deliverables for Consultancy Firm:

The following deliverables are expected from finalized Consultancy Firm:

  • Power Point Presentation to SIF management covering proposed methodology, tools, sample selection, proposed team members and work plan after selection.
  • SIF will review and validate the data collection tools before starting field data collection.
  • A draft evaluation report; using the required structure of report mentioned in the TORs in relevant section; will be submitted by consultant or firm for review and comments of SIF MEAL & Program Units.
  • A final report; will be submitted by consultant or firm after incorporating comments from SIF MEAL & Program Units.
  • All materials produced under evaluation including hard copy of the report and raw data either in SPSS or any other analysis software, excel in soft form; will be handed over to SIF MEAL & Program Unit.
  • All the data and information collected during evaluation will remain the property of SIF and will never be used anywhere and quoted anywhere in soft and hard form. SIF reserved the rights in this regard.
  • Data collection & photography will be carried out after written consent of each SIF beneficiaries and in line with ethical guidelines related to evaluation

Note: SIF has zero tolerance against sexual exploitation and abuse; in order to protect its beneficiaries SIF has its protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) policy and staff code of conducts. All SIF staff, stakeholders, consultants, suppliers, venders, services providers and partner organizations are strictly follow the PSEA code of conducts failing which SIF reserve the rights to cancel the services contract at any stage and may take legal actions against offenders.

Structure of the Report:

Report format should include:

  • Table of contents (automatically generated)
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Acronyms and abbreviations
  • Executive Summary of maximum 2 pages (Having contents; Objectives, Methods, results, conclusion& recommendations)
  • Introduction & Background
  • Objectives of the study
  • Methodology (including study design, sampling method and sample size, data collection procedure, data analysis and limitations)
  • Findings must be presented in each section of evaluation criteria mentioned above (with graphs, tables and inferences) and report should have well written success stories of different beneficiaries in relevant section of findings. 
  • Conclusions& Lesson learnt
  • Recommendations/Way forward


This evaluation will be carried out/completed in January 2020 and total duration of the evaluation will be of 25 working days from the date of agreement signature. The field work and generation of report must be completed as per following required number of days:



Presentation to SIF management about proposed methodology, tools, team etc


Desk review of SIF project documents


Submission of detailed work plan and data collection tools.


Incorporation of SIF MEAL feedback in the data collection tools and finalization


Data collection in the centers from children and center management


Preparation of 1st draft Report – (Data coding/analysis, inferences & narration)


Presentation of preliminary findings to SIF


Incorporate SIF Program & MEAL Departments comments/feedback into report


Final Report with completed database of sampled population/unit of analysis


Total Required Days


Final report along with entire materials must be submitted within 25 days effective from date of agreement signing.

Budget Allocation:

The budget for evaluation =PKR 100,000/- (tax will be deducted from this allocated budget as per GOP roles)

Payment Procedure:

Terms of payment shall be based on one installment and 100% will be paid after successful completion of evaluation, producing final report and database.

Note: Professional fees, administrative costs related to transport, accommodation and stationary will be handled by the consultant.

Content of Proposal:

The consultant(s) is required to submit a detailed Technical and Financial proposal. The technical proposal must contain:

  • A detailed methodology for the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the assignment.
  • A detailed work plan including dates for submission of the draft and final report
  • Consultant/firm profile with evidence of experience in similar surveys/evaluations and researches, qualifications, manpower and key staff that will constitute the team& firm registration certificate.
  • CVs of the assigned team member(s) detailing relevant experience.
  • The financial proposal must be submitted in Pak Rupees with a detailed break up of all activities budgeted for, showing unit, unit cost, cost narratives and duration.
