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Manager Gender & Development is a key position based in organization at Head Office will report to Sr. Manager Programmes responsible to analyze different projects/programs to identify grey areas pertaining gender, provides technical backstopping to mainstream gender at planning and implementation stages of the project and programs through desk monitoring and field visits.


Manager Gender & Development provides the basis for the expansion of Gender component by identifying opportunities and also plays a key role in ensuring effective implementation of existing projects, provides inputs on planning and managing of the activities related to gender. 

Gender Coordinator must ensure:

S t r a t e g i c i n p u t:

  • Review existing policies, SOPs, project documents and provide input to ensure gender mainstreaming.
  • Assist Project focal persons in identifying gaps and provide technical backstopping in gender mainstreaming in existing projects/programs
  • Assist Sr. Manager Programs in ensuring gender mainstreaming in developing concept notes and proposals.

P r o g r a m m e M a n a g e m e n t:

  •  Ensure gender segregated data is managed at Head Office level.
  •  Implementation of strategic plans in alignment of organization’s vision & mission.
  •  Support in development of organization Gender Mainstreaming Strategy.
  •  Timely and accurate reporting to both internal and external entities. 

T e a m M a n a g e m e n t :

  •  Setup processes and assign responsibilities to team members accordingly.
  •  Train, Coach and develop team to achieve Organization’s goals.

 Specific Responsibilities:

  • Prepare and submit quarterly work plans, detailing tasks (including monitoring plans) to be undertaken and indicators of performance and prepare progress reports.
  • Screening of ongoing projects /programs of organization to identify grey areas using gender lens for ensuring the women participation.
  • Ensure participation of women in formation of community institutions and give suggestions for improvement of women livelihood
  • Closely track women inclusion in program activities in all projects and programs.
  • Assist in identifying the type of gender data and information needed, and the requirements for collecting, storing, processing and using it.
  • Ensure Gender mainstreaming in concept notes and proposals.
  • Participate and present organization in gender related networks at provincial level and develop linkages with stakeholders
  • Provide periodical reports and feedback to management about the improving status of the women participation or women beneficiaries from different projects and programs.
  • Ensure that resources allocated for women in any project of organization is provided to women in its true spirit
  • Prepare case studies to facilitate internal and external learning on progress to achieve gender equality in programs.
  • Contribute in developing gender sensitive brochures, leaflets and fliers to inform stakeholders about progress towards gender equality
  • Arrange capacity building trainings for Head Office as well as District staff, community Institutions and Govt line agencies representatives on Gender Sensitization, Anti-Sexual Harassment Law titled “The protection of women against harassment at work place Act 2010” and other Gender concepts.
  • Form organization Gender Resource Group (BGRG) and hold quarterly meetings on the status of women participation in the projects/programs.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • Organization Gender strategy is developed and implemented
  • Gender Segregated data is maintained
  • Arrange capacity building trainings for organization Head Office as well as District staff on Gender Sensitization, Anti-Sexual Harassment Law titled “The protection of women against harassment at work place Act 2010” and other Gender concepts.
  • Timely and accurate Internal and External Reporting.


Manager Gender & Development, will exercise his/her authority in the selection, advancements and/or human resource decisions as envisaged in company policies and relevant procedure manuals. The financial authority will also be governed by financial policies, rules & regulations.

Internal and External Interactions:

  • District T e a m: Coordinate with district gender focal persons to ensure women participation in program activities.
  •  Other sections: Close coordination with other sections and provide technical support to ensure gender

Mainstreaming in projects and programs.

  • H R & A d m i n M a n a g e r: Extend support to HR & Admin Manager in identification and hiring of potential women staff at Head Office and districts.
    • Gender Networks: Participate and present organization in gender related networks at provincial level and national level and develop linkages with stakeholders.


D i r e c t: District Gender Focal Persons

I n d i r e c t: Gender Focal Persons/staff in other sections.

Knowledge & Skills:

  • Organization’s Vision, Mission & Goals.
  • Related local law, guidelines and standards.
  • Leadership and Team Building Skills.
  • Strong Negotiation skills.
  • Computer Skills.


  • People’s Person.
  • Positive and optimistic.
  • Collaborative.
  • Advisory.
  • Open to new ideas.

Experience and Education:

  • 7 Years of divers working Experience with min 3 years as Gender Focal Person.
  • Masters (Preferably)                                                                                                                                                                                   A Non-Profit Organization is an equal opprtunity for both male and female candidates to apply
